*Results of UG and PG programme End Semester Examinations - Nov./Dec.- 2024 - published.*                             

Admission Procedure

Admission Procedure

Selection Procedure

Admission is through TNEA counseling and Management Quota. Candidates who seek admissions under Management Quota will be selected by the Consortium of Self – Financing Professional, Arts and science colleges in Tamil Nadu. The admission is purely provisional and subject to the approval from Directorate of Technical Education, Chennai / Anna University.

Mode of selection

BE/BTech Degree Programme - First Year

  • We admit all the students under government quota allotted through single window counselling by Tamil Nadu Engineering Admission (TNEA).
  • We admit the students under management quota based on the rank list published by the Association of Management of Coimbatore Anna University Affiliated Colleges.

BE/BTech Degree Programme - Direct Second Year (Lateral Entry)

  • We admit all students under government quota allotted through single window counselling by DOTE - Direct II Year Engineering Admissions.
  • We admit the students under management quota based on the rank list published by the Consortium of Self – Financing Professional, Arts and science colleges in Tamil Nadu. BE/BTech Degree

ME/MTech Degree Programme

  • We admit all the students under government quota allotted through single window counselling by Tamil Nadu Common Admission (TANCA).
  • We admit the students under management quota based on the marks secured in entrance examination conducted by the Consortium of Self – Financing Professional, Arts and science colleges in Tamil Nadu.