*Results of UG and PG programme End Semester Examinations - Nov./Dec.- 2024 - published.*                             



The main objective is to create a Pool of Strong Industry Ready Talent from the Students undergoing Engineering. Bridge the GAP BETWEEN INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTS AND SKILLS TAUGHT IN ACADEMIC COURSE. Groom Engineers who are highly conversant with Design processes involving need-finding, ethnographic field work, rapid prototyping and testing.


Mission10X is a not-for-profit trust initiated to enhance the employability skills of fresh engineering graduates in India, and was launched on 5 September 2007, celebrated as Teachers' Day in India. Mission10X is a fast-growing academic community of learners and Innovators. With the aim to cater to the substantial number of engineering graduates in India who lack employability skills, Mission10X, as a part of the Wipro Quantum Innovation project, planned to create a significant change in the employability landscape. The Mission10X Learning Approach (MxLA), a technique used in these workshops was conceived to empower faculty members with innovative teaching techniques and tools that would enable their learners to:

  • Imbibe higher levels of understanding of engineering courses
  • Effectively apply the learnt concepts in practical situations
  • Develop key behavioral skills required for employability
  • Benjamin S. Bloom's Taxonomy of educational objectives
  • Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Theory


This Academy is an initiative of NI under their Planet NI (Nurturing Innovation) framework which strives to increase the employability of Indian engineering graduates by creating 'Centre of Excellence' in Engineering Colleges and Universities which will provide cost effective access to world class latest technology through classroom teaching-learning.

The LabVIEW Academy is an acclaimed ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 29990:2010 certified training centre to provide hands on training in LabVIEW for engineering students, faculty and industrial personnel in south India. The Academy also provides facilities for students to carry out their projects. The Academy is actively involved in conducting short-term training courses for faculty and students from various engineering colleges. The centre has highly skilled Faculty/Engineers duly trained by National Instruments, India and certified by National Instruments, US under 'Train the Trainer' program to conduct the classes under these training programs at the centre.


The Centre of Excellence on formwork engineering was established on 9th November 2017. It was inaugurated by Er.B.Murugesan Joint General Manager, Mr.L.S.Kannan Sr.Deputy General Manager, and Er.C.N.V.S.Rao Sr.Manager, Head Technology Centre, L&T Construction - Building & Factories, Chennai, in the presence of our Honourable Chairman, Executive Director, Principal and Head of the Department. From the Centre of Excellence we gain valuable information on various formwork systems, tools and components used in formwork, different bonds of brick masonry and reinforcement details of various elements. Through centre of excellence we provide training to masons, mazdoor and engineers about various formwork systems and new technologies used in the recent trend. We would conduct several certified courses in formwork engineering inviting participants from various institutions.


Our college wants to provide technology awareness to all students in various fields. One of them is to involve the students in Hackathon since it will improve the students courage, technologically sound and facing the challenge of project completion in given deadlines, increase cooperation among team members and collaborate with other external bodies like institutions or government departments.


It's an Initiative by Infosys to bridge the gap between Industry and Academic institutions. Campus connect is an industry-academia partnership initiative launched by Infosys. The campus Connect initiative aims to enhance the education level of engineering students, nationwide and thus increase the employability of these engineers. The Campus Connect program has several program components weaved together to create synergy for effective, fast-paced learning. Namely - Conclaves, Road Shows, Faculty Enablement Programs (FEP), Sabbaticals, Foundation Programs, Soft Skills Capsule Roll-out, Inspire - The faculty contest series, Sponsored.


VMware is a global leader in cloud infrastructure and business mobility. Built on VMware's industry-leading virtualization technology, our solutions deliver a brave new model of IT that is fluid, instant and more secure. Customers can innovate faster by rapidly developing, automatically delivering and more safely consuming any application. VMware designed the IT academy program to introduce students to VMware technologies and equip them with VMware technical skills to complement their chosen fields of study. Our institution received the VMware academic excellence award.


AUTODESK Fusion 360 is 3D CAD/CAM design software in which the third and final year students were trained and AUTODESK has been conducting various All India competitions such as AUTODESK Design Now Platform, 3D Student Design and National Level Monthly competitions since 2015 for building their design skills.


Danfoss E-Learning Centre is aimed to train the students in the area of Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Heat Exchangers, Heat Pumps and Compressors etc. In this learning centre online test has been conduct and online certificates are offered after the successful completion of this course. Students from third and final year got certificate through this centre.