*Results of UG and PG programme End Semester Examinations - Nov./Dec.- 2024 - published.*                             


About Us

The Department of Biomedical Engineering was established in the year 2014. The department offers a four year degree program BE-Biomedical Engineering with an intake of 60 students.

The Biomedical Engineering department emphasizes teaching and research in the areas of Sensor and Measurements, Biochemistry & Human Anatomy& Physiology, Pathology and Microbiology, Bio control system, Bio Materials and Artificial Organs, Biomedical Instrumentation, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Equipment-I, Radiological Equipment, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Equipment – II, Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks, Medical Informatics, Rehabilitation Engineering. The Department conducts various activities like seminar, guest Lecture, symposium & industrial workshop that provide a forum for the students specializing in Biomedical Engineering from across the country to participate and interact with eminent professionals from the health care field. The department has always been on a progressive path, thanks to the experienced and dedicated faculty members who have a strong commitment towards the providing quality engineering education.

The Department has 09 faculty members with one Doctorate, one Faculty pursuing Ph.D and remaining 7 Faculty members with PG qualification. In addition Department has well equipped laboratories are established such as, Bio Chemistry and Human Physiology Laboratory, Pathology and Microbiology Laboratory, Biomedical Instrumentation Laboratory, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Equipment Laboratory. Medical Electronics Laboratory and Image processing Laboratory.

During the year 2017 – 2018 a total number of 199 students are pursuing Biomedical Engineering Programme.

Programmes offered

UG Programme

Vision & Mission

Vision :

To produce high quality Biomedical Engineers by implementing research and development, improving ethical, social and moral values in health care field and entrepreneurship at the forefront of Biomedical Engineering.

Mission :
  • M1: To have knowledge of professional and ethical responsibility which relates biomedical engineering practices.
  • M2: To design and develop innovative ideas in medical technologies.
  • M3: Ability to identify appropriate design specifications, to formulate and solve biomedical engineering problems and challenges through education, research and design activities.
  • M4: Graduates of our programme are well grounded in understanding the fundamentals of technology and socioeconomic values.

PEOs,PSOs and POs

  • PEO1: Graduates shall demonstrate their skills in solving challenges in their chosen field through the core foundation and knowledge acquired in engineering and biology
  • PEO2: Graduates shall exhibit leadership, make decisions with societal and ethical responsibilities, function and communicate effectively in multidisciplinary settings.
  • PEO3: To ensure that graduates will recognize the need for sustaining and expanding their technical competence and engage in learning opportunities throughout their careers.


After the successful completion of B.E programme in Biomedical engineering, students will be able to:

  • To design and develop diagnostic and therapeutic devices that reduce physician burnout and to enhance the quality of life for the end user by applying fundamentals of Biomedical Engineering.
  • To apply software skills in developing algorithms for solving healthcare related problems in various fields of medical sector.

Engineering Graduates will be able to:

  • Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  • Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
  • Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  • Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  • Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  • The Engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  • Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
  • Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  • Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  • Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  • Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  • Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.


Bio Chemistry and Human Physiology Laboratory
  • The Laboratory course provides to train students towards the essential concepts of classical biochemistry with a more research knowledge that introduces standard biochemical fundamental laboratory techniques and physiological examinations in the context of investigating various disease conditions.
  • Techniques include biochemical analysis of biological samples, to emphasize the isolation, identification, and analysis of proteins, lipids, and purification of amino acids and DNA, kinetic activity assays, virtual spectrophotometer, analysis of visual activity.
  • Human physiology lab imparts knowledge on all important physiological systems like cardiovascular system, respiratory system, nervous system, skeletal system etc.
  • This lab exposes students to an active learning environment to teach the basic principles of human physiology and human anatomy with hands on opportunity on physiological monitoring equipment.

Major Equipment
  • Visible Spectrophotometer
  • Digital Calorimeter
  • Digital pH Meter
  • Cooling Centrifuge
  • SDS Gel Electrophoresis
  • Binocular Microscope
  • Distillation Unit
  • Hot Air Oven
  • Vortex Shaker
  • Electronic Balance
  • Blood grouping kit
  • Neubaur’s Chamber
  • Refrigerator

Laboratory In-charge:
  • Dr. M. Prabhu
  • Ms. D. Pavithra

Pathology And Microbiology Laboratory
  • The Pathology laboratory is equipped with completely automated instruments, cell counters for carrying out hematological investigations such as hemoglobin, total and differential leukocyte counts, platelets count, red cell indices accurately.
  • Various bacterial and pathological studies in these labs facilitate students to understand the bio-compatibility of implants.
  • The microbiology lab is equipped to carry out aerobic and anaerobic culturing using incubators and laminar flow hood. Detection of specific antibodies against different infecting organism (bacteria, fungi, parasites and virus) and autoimmune diseases are carried out both by conventional & ELISA system.
  • The course structure consists of both theoretical and hands-on-training. It includes the entire process of routine clinical microbiology and pathology examinations.

Major Equipment
  • Clinical Centrifuge
  • Mini Autoclave
  • Binocular Microscope with USB Eyepiece Camera
  • Incubator
  • Water bath
  • Haemoglobinometer
  • Laminar Air Flow-Horizontal
  • Wax dispenser
  • Slide warming

Laboratory In-charge:
  • Ms. S. Malathi
  • Mr. G. Sakthivel

Biomedical Instrumentation Laboratory
  • The Biomedical Instrumentation Lab provides more knowledge on designing, developing, conducting and implementing biological experiments on physiological signals involving biomedical instrumentation.
  • The Equipments used in this laboratory are used to measure, analyze the biosignals produced by human body. Instruments in the laboratory are used to measure, store and analyze the signals produced by biomedical phenomena.
  • This helps to familiarize students with the basic design and implementation of techniques for measuring a broad scope for physiological research. This helps the students for basic design and development on projects.

Major Equipment
  • Multi parameter patient monitoring system
  • EEG System with electrodes
  • ECG System with electrodes
  • EMG System with electrodes
  • Conductivity meter
  • Ultra sound blood flow meter
  • GSR system
  • Evoked potential measurement system
  • Single channel telemetry system

Laboratory In-charge:
  • Mr. T. S. Belliraj
  • Ms. J. A. Sandhiya

Diagnostic and Therapeutic Equipment Laboratory
  • The lab is to provide practice and training for the students on all major diagnostic and therapeutic equipments.
  • It involves recording and analysis of different Bio potentials and to study the various applications of ultrasound in the field of medicine.
  • It is also aimed to give overall idea about the clinical applications and transmission of biosignals using telemetry techniques, sources of leakage current and methods used for monitoring leakage current.
  • This in turn reduces the work of a physician in diagnosing and treating. It also imparts knowledge on the basics, thereby aiming for a rapid progress in the field of biomedical engineering in the near future.

Major Equipment
  • Short wave diathermy unit with accessories
  • Ultrasound diathermy unit with accessories
  • Single parameter Telemetry system with accessories
  • Electrical safety analyzer with accessories
  • Spirometry with associated analysis system
  • ECG simulator with accessories
  • Medical stimulator with accessories
  • Surgical diathermy & Surgical diathermy analyzer with cables and accessories
  • Audiometer with accessories

Laboratory In-charge:
  • Mr. G. L. Karthik
  • Ms. S. Keerthana

Faculty and Staff

S.No. Name of the Faculty Qualification Designation
1 Dr. PRABHU M B.Tech.,M.Tech., Ph.D., PROFESSOR


S.No. Name of the Faculty No. of Publication
1 Dr. PRABHU M 19
4 Mrs. SARANYA M 9
7 Mr. MURALI M -


S.No Name of the Supporting Staff Qualification Designation


  • One faculty member has been approved as research supervisor for guiding Ph.D scholar and one faculty is pursuing Ph.D.
  • Our students have participated in the Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer (CLAD) examinations conducted by National Instruments, Bangalore. Best Performing LabVIEW Academy for year 2017 won by our students.
  • Our students have actively participated in various online examinations.
  • Our Faculty members have individual membership in professional societies like BMESI, ISTE, IE(I).
  • Our Students have undergone Internship in various reputed multi specialty hospitals and biomedical companies.
  • Institutional Life member in Biomedical Engineering Society of India (BMESI).
  • Signed partnership with Indian Biomedical Skills Consortium (IBSC).

Centre of Excellence

Short term Courses

Short-Term & Value-Added Courses organized

S.No Name of the Short-Term Courses /Value-Added Courses Number of students benefited
1 C++ 02
2 Labview 09


Technical events organized

S. No. Year Event Details Sponsored by Date
1 2015-2016 One day National Level Technical Symposium on “MITRECKO’ 15 Department of BME, MIT 27.08. 2015
2 2016-2017 Two day Workshop on “Recent Advancement on Ultrasound & Ventilators Department of BME, MIT 06.09.2016 & 07.09.2016.
3 2016-2017 Guest Lecture on “Industry Ready Engineers” Department of BME, MIT 01.03.2017
4 2016-2017 One day Workshop on “New Trends in Bio-Instrumentation Pamtrons Health Care Devices, Mumbai 08.03.2017
5 2017-2018 Faculty Development Programme on Innovating Teaching Techniques Innowis Learning and Development Solutions, Chennai 09.09.2017
6 2017-2018 One day National Level Technical Symposium  MEDINGERS’17 Department of BME, MIT 27.09.2017
7 2017-2018 One day Workshop on Recent Advancements in Healthcare Technology Department of BME, MIT 28.09.2017
8 2017-2018 Two days National Conference on Advances in materials Sciences : Biomaterials in association with Salem Local Centre, Institution of Engineers India (IEI) Institution of Engineers India (IEI) 27.02.2018 & 28.02.2018
9 2018-2019 Organized Skin Bank Awareness Programme and Dental Camp in association with Ganga Hospital, Coimbatore Department of BME, MIT 24.07.2018
10 2018-2019 Two Days Workshop and Hands on Training on Critical Care Medical Equipments in association with Bio Vision Medical Systems, Chennai Department of BME, MIT 06.09.2018 & 07.09.2018

Research& Consultantcy

S. No. Author Details Title of Publication Journal Details Year of Publication Impact Factor
01 Dr. M. Prabhu Bioaccumulation of Transition Metal Oxide Nanoparticles and Their Influence on Early Growth Stages of Vigna unguiculata Seeds BioNanoScience, 1-9 2018 0.55
Nanosilver Enabled Reactive Dyes for Antimicrobial Medical Textiles Nanomedicine & Nanotechnology Open Access, 2(S1): 000S1-003 2017 5.57
Synthesis of TiO2-doped mesoporous nanobioactive glass particles and their cytocompatibility against osteoblast cell line Journal of Materials Science, 50 (15), 5145-5156 2016 2.59
Mg-doped hydroxyapatite/chitosan composite coated 316L stainless steel implants for biomedical applications Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 15 (6), 4178-4187. 2015 1.48
In vivo cytotoxicity of MgO-doped nanobioactive glass particles and their anticorrosive coating on Ti-6Al-4V and SS304 implants for high load-bearing applications RSC Advances, 4, 43630-43640 2014 3.10
Antimicrobial tuning of bioactive glass nanopowder doped with neem (Azadirachta indica) for tissue engineering applications Biomed Research International, DOI:10.1155/2014/950691. 2014 2.47
Hydroxyapatite, alumina/zirconia, and nanobioactive glass cement for tooth restoring   applications Ceramics International, Vol. 40, pp. 14355–14365. 2014 2.98
TiO2–graphene nanocomposites for enhanced osteocalcin induction Mater Sci Engg C, Vol.38, pp. 252-262. 2014 4.16
Augmented biocontrol action of silica nanoparticles and Pseudomonas fluorescens bioformulant in maize (Zea mays L.), RSC Adv, Vol. 4, pp. 8461-8465. 2014 3.10
Synthesis, characterization and biological response of magnesium-substituted nanobioactive glass particles for biomedical applications, Ceramics International, Vol. 39, pp. 1683-1694. 2013 2.98
Preparation and characterisation of silver-doped nanobioactive glass particles and their in vitro behaviour for biomedical applications, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 13, pp. 5327-5339. 2013 1.48
Bioactivity of Zirconium Substituted Nanobioactive Glass Particles Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic, and Nano-Metal Chemistry, DOI:10.1080/15533174.2013.819894 2013 0.48
Silver doped nanobioactive glass particles for bone implant applications, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1512 (1), 608-609. 2013 0.22
In situ synthesized novel biocompatible titania–chitosan nanocomposites with high surface area and antibacterial activity, Carbohydrate Polymers, Vol. 93, no.2, pp. 731–739. 2013 4.81
Optimization of Nano-Titania and Titania–Chitosan Nanocomposite to Enhance Biocompatibility, Current Nano science 9 (3), 308-317. 2013 1.06
Electrochemical Deposition of 58SiO2-33CaO-9P2O5 Nanobioactive Glass Particles on Ti-6Al-4V Alloy for Biomedical Applications, Int J Appl Cer Technol, 12 (1), 95–105. 2013 1.04
Nanohydroxyapatite–chitosan–gelatin polyelectrolyte complex with enhanced mechanical and bioactivity. Mater Sci Engg C, vol. 33, no. 6, pp. 3237–3244. 2013 4.16
2 Mr. T. S. Belliraj In-vitro hepatoprotective activity of Moringa oleifera mediated synthesis of gold nanoparticles Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 7(2):781-788 2015 0.20
3 Ms.S.Keerthana An ELM wrapped GA based multi objective feature selection for identifying cancer micro-RNA markers. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 7(2):163-168 2015 0.20
4 Ms. D.Pavithra Automatic Measurement of Fetal Head Structures Using Ultrasound. International Conference Proceedings in Innovations in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems (ICIIECS) in IEEE Explore, 1-5 2015 -
5 Mrs.S.Malathi Comparison and Evaluation of BPN and SVM Classifier to Diagnose Liver Lesion Using CT Image International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management and Applied Science, 3 (12), 94-98. 2014 -


S.No. Name of the Company Purpose             Date & Year
1 Sunshiv Electronic Solutions, Coimbatore Industrial Training, Industrial Visit, Seminars 14.05.2018
2 Pamtrons  Healthcare Devices
Workshop, Placement and Training 07.07.2017
3 Bio Vision Medical Systems, Chennai Workshop, Hands on Training, Internship, Projects and Placement 06.09.2018


Dr. M. Prabhu M.Tech., Ph.D
Associate Professor & Head of the Department
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Mahendra Institute of Technology
Namakkal District, Tamilnadu,
Pin Code: 637 503.
phone: 9787206481
Email Id: hodbiomed@mahendratech.org