*Results of UG and PG programme End Semester Examinations - Nov./Dec.- 2024 - published.*                             


About The Institution of Engineers (INDIA)

The Institution of Engineers (India) or IEI is the largest multidisciplinary professional body that encompasses 15 engineering disciplines and gives engineers a global platform from which to share professional interest. IEI has membership strength of more than 0.8 million. Established in 1920, with its headquarters at 8, Gokhale Road, Kolkata - 700020, IEI has served the engineering fraternity for over nine decades. In this period of time it has been inextricably linked with the history of modern- day engineering.

In 1935, IEI was incorporated by Royal Charter and remains the only professional body in India to be accorded this honour. Today, its quest for professional excellence has given it a place of pride in almost every prestigious and relevant organization across the globe. IEI functions among professional engineers, academicians and research workers. It provides a vast array of technical, professional and supporting services to the Government, Industries, Academia and the Engineering fraternity, operating from 121 Centers located across the country. The Institution also provides grant-in-aid to its members to conduct research and development on engineering subjects. IEI conducts Section A & B Examinations in different Engineering disciplines, the successful completion of which is recognized as equivalent to Degree in appropriate field of Engineering of recognized Universities of India by the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India. Every year as many as 90000 candidates appear for these exams. For details, please see: www.ieindia.org


The Salem Local Centre has been one of the active centers of IEI which is engaged in successfully translating the Objectives and Ethics of IE (I) in to practices. The Centre was established in 1994 and inaugurated by late Shri P. Rangarajan Kumaramangalam, the then Hon’ble Minister of State for Science & Technology, Government of India on 30th October 1994. IEI-SLC has 1600 Corporate Members, 4405 Student members and 09 Institutional Members.

It regularly organizes technical and special lectures in the fields of Engineering, Management and Topics of current interest. Industrial visit are also arranged to industries to promote technical interaction among the members and the industries.

It also observes the International / National events like World Environment Day, World Telecommunication Day and Engineers Day etc. in a fitting manner by organizing technical talks on the selected themes with experts of the field.

Awards: Best IE (I) Students Chapter Award, Innovation and Sustainability Award, Best Senior Engineer, Best Engineer, Best Young Engineer & Best Women Engineer Award, Dr. A. P .J. AbdulKalam award are given regularly for Engineering and Polytechnic Students every year.

The Salem Local Centre in addition to the various services as given above supports with financial grant for this kind of programmes like Rs.10,000/- for One Day Seminar / Workshop, Rs.30,000/- All India Seminar / Workshop and Rs.2.0 Lakhs for National Convention etc.,

For More information please contact the IEI Salem Local Centre, 3rd Floor, SPC Bhawan, 104/7, Manivannan Street, Opposite to New Bus stand, Salem-636004. Phone No. 0427-2332544, Email Id: ieisalemlocal@gmail.com, salemlc@ieindia.org Website: www.ieisalem.com.

Events Organised through IEI, Salem Local Centre at Mahendra Institute of Technology
S. No Date Department Title of the Event
1 26.09.2017 Electronics & Communication Engineering One Day Seminar on Wearable Technology
2 27.02.2018 & 28.02.2018 Biomedical Engineering National Conference on Advances in Materials Sciences: Biomaterials
S.No. YEAR Number of Membership
1 2017 15
2 2018 34